Verruca Removal

Verrucas, also known as plantar warts, are small, rough growths that appear on the soles of the feet. They are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and are highly contagious. Verrucas are commonly contracted by walking barefoot in moist, warm environments such as swimming pools, communal showers, and gym locker rooms where the virus thrives. These growths often develop on weight-bearing areas of the foot, causing discomfort and pain while walking. Verrucas are commonly seen in children, adolescents, and individuals with weakened immune systems. If left untreated, verrucas can spread to other parts of the feet or to other individuals through direct contact.

If you suspect you have a verruca and would like to be treated, then cryotherapy may be suitable for you.

verruca on bottom of foot

What is a typical treatment?

We use a Cryopen, a medical device that uses controlled sprays of nitrous oxide gas to freeze the verruca. This causes the cells in the verruca to die and over the coming days the verruca will scab and naturally fall off. Verrucas usually require several cryotherapy treatments before they disappear. Your clinician will discuss this with you at your appointment.

cryotherapy treatment of skin lesion on abdomen

Verruca Removal Prices

1 Verruca | £70 per treatment

Any additional lesions + £25 per lesion per treatment. For example 2 lesions £95, 3 lesions £120

Book an appointment.