Safeguarding Policy and Procedures

Effective Date: 27/08/2024

Review Date: 27/08/2025

Prepared and Approved by: Jordan Morris- Managing Director/Safeguarding Lead.


1. Purpose and Scope

At Wizard Clinics, we are committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all our clients, particularly those who may be vulnerable due to age, disability, or other factors. This Safeguarding Policy outlines our approach to preventing, identifying, and responding to all forms of abuse. It applies to all staff, volunteers, and contractors who work at Wizard Clinics.


2. Definition of Safeguarding and Abuse

Safeguarding is the action taken to promote the welfare of individuals and protect them from harm. This includes protecting individuals from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.


Abuse is defined as any action that causes harm or distress to another person. Abuse can take many forms, including but not limited to:


·        Physical Abuse: Inflicting physical harm or injury.

·        Emotional or Psychological Abuse: Causing emotional distress or harm.

·        Sexual Abuse: Engaging in any form of sexual activity without consent.

·        Neglect: Failing to provide basic needs such as food, shelter, or medical care.

·        Financial Abuse: Illegal or improper use of an individual’s funds or assets.

·        Discriminatory Abuse: Harassment or slurs based on race, gender, disability, or other characteristics.

·        Organisational Abuse: Inadequate care or support due to practices within an organisation.


3. Types of Services and Age Groups

Wizard Clinics provides a range of health and skincare services, including earwax removal, skin lesion cryotherapy, IV vitamin drips, vitamin B12 injections, microneedling, and health checks. This policy applies to all clients, with a focus on safeguarding vulnerable adults and those who may require additional protection.


Specific Procedures by Service and Age Group:


Adults: For adult clients, we ensure clear communication about treatments and obtain informed consent. We monitor for signs of abuse or neglect and provide support and referral where needed.

Older Adults and Vulnerable Adults: Staff are trained to recognise the signs of abuse and neglect, and to take immediate action by reporting concerns to the Safeguarding Lead.

Younger Clients : While the clinic primarily serves adults, any younger clients are treated with particular sensitivity, ensuring parental or guardian involvement and consent where appropriate.


4. Safeguarding Lead and Reporting Process

Safeguarding Lead:

The designated Safeguarding Lead at Wizard Clinics is:


Jordan Morris

Contact Information:, 07361497692


Reporting Concerns:

Anyone who has a concern about the safety or wellbeing of a client should report it immediately to the Safeguarding Lead.


Process for Reporting and Raising Concerns:


Recognise: Identify signs or indicators of potential abuse or neglect.

Respond: Ensure the immediate safety of the individual and provide support as needed.

Report: Inform the Safeguarding Lead verbally and complete a Safeguarding Concern Form.

Record: Document all observations, actions, and conversations accurately and promptly.

Refer: The Safeguarding Lead will refer the concern to the Local Authority Safeguarding Team if necessary and follow up on actions taken. (see below for contact details).





Local Authority Safeguarding Team


The Local Authority Safeguarding Team for Basingstoke can be contacted as follows:


Hampshire Adult Services:

If you have concerns or want to report abuse, phone Hampshire Adult Services on 0300 555 1386 (out of hours 0300 555 1373) or the police on 101.


In an emergency, or if you suspect you or someone else is in immediate danger, phone 999.


PREVENT referral form for radicalisation ( adults and young people)


Anonymously report illegal or harmful information, pictures or videos you’ve found on the internet:


Hampshire Children Services:

Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm

Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm, phone 0300 555 1384

At all other times, contact the out-of-hours service, phone 0300 555 1373

Use this form below to report child welfare or safeguarding concerns:


Hampshire Police - for non emergencies phone 101

Hampshire Police – Emergencies 999

NSPCC - phone 0808 800 5000

Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously with any information about crime - phone 0800 555 111

Childline - phone 0800 1111



 Preventative Measures

Wizard Clinics is committed to preventing abuse through the following measures:


·        Staff Training: All staff undergo regular safeguarding training to recognize and respond to signs of abuse.

·        Clear Policies and Procedures: Accessible policies for clients, their advocates, and staff.

·        Robust Recruitment Practices: Ensuring all staff and volunteers undergo appropriate background checks (DBS) and reference checks.

·        Creating a Safe Environment: Promoting a culture of openness where concerns can be raised without fear of reprisal.




 Accessibility of Information

To ensure that all individuals understand how to raise concerns, this policy will be made accessible in the following ways:


·        Staff: The policy will be included in the employee handbook and discussed during induction training. Regular refresher training sessions will be conducted.

·        Volunteers and Contractors: All volunteers and contractors will receive safeguarding training and access to this policy.

·        Our safeguarding policy is available on our website.


 Legislation and Guidance

This policy is based on and complies with the following legislation and guidance:


·        Care Act 2014

·        Children Act 1989 and 2004

·        Equality Act 2010

·        Data Protection Act 2018 and UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR)

·        Mental Capacity Act 2005

·        Human Rights Act 1998


Modern slavery

Modern slavery is a safeguarding issue. It is very complex and can take many forms including:


·        child trafficking

·        forced labour

·        sexual exploitation

·        criminal exploitation

·        domestic servitude


See below for information on modern slavery and the work of the Modern Slavery Partnership for Hampshire.

Service Telephone for help, advice or information contact the modern slavery helpline confidentially:


24 hours a day, 365 days a year               0800 012 1700

if it’s an emergency always call               999

for non-emergencies call                           101

call Crimestoppers anonymously on    0800 555 111