Occupational Health Blood Test
This occupational health blood test checks for immunity from the conditions listed below. The presence of antibodies may mean you have recovered from an infection, or that you have been successfully vaccinated.
Hep B Profile
Hep C Antibodies
HIV 1 +2 & p24 antigen
Measles, mumps, rubella immunity (IgG)
Varicella Zoster immunity (IgG)
It is what is commonly looked for by an employer in an occupational health screening blood test. Additional biomarkers can be added to the test if required. Results from this blood test are usually within 3-5 days.

How Does It Work?
Step 1: Book your Test
Decide what blood test you want and book an appointment online or over the phone.
Step 2: Get Bloods Taken
A phlebotomist will take a blood sample at our clinic and send it to our partner laboratory for analysis.
Step 3: Receive Results
Your blood test results will be reviewed by a GP and then sent to you via email usually within 2 days.