Cherry Angioma Removal
Cherry angiomas are common skin growths made up of clusters of small blood vessels. These growths typically appear as smooth, cherry-red bumps on the skin and can vary in size. The exact cause of cherry angiomas is not fully understood, but they are believed to be related to aging and genetics. These benign growths are usually harmless and rarely cause any symptoms, although they can bleed if scratched or injured. Cherry angiomas are more common in individuals over the age of 30 and tend to increase in number as a person gets older. While they do not require treatment, some individuals may opt to have them removed for cosmetic reasons or if they bleed frequently.
If you suspect you have a cherry angioma that requires treatment please schedule an appointment or contact a member of our friendly team who will be happy to assist.
What is a typical treatment?
We use a Cryopen, a medical device that uses controlled sprays of nitrous oxide gas to freeze the cherry angioma. This causes the cells in the lesion to die and over the coming days the cherry angioma will scab and naturally fall off. Cryotherapy works well on these lesions however larger lesions may require several treatments to be fully removed. Your clinician will discuss this with you at your appointment.
Cherry Angioma Removal Prices
1 Cherry Angioma | £70 per treatment
Any additional lesions + £25 per lesion per treatment. For example 2 lesions £95, 3 lesions £120