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Why Should I Check My Blood Test Testosterone Levels?

Testosterone plays an important role in the development of male reproductive tissues such as testes, penis and prostate. It also promotes the growth of facial hair, pubic hair, bones and muscle mass, it deepens the voice, it can have influence on libido and plays a part in sperm production. It’s also believed that testosterone can help maintain a level mood. It is commonly thought that testosterone is only a male hormone, however, it is also produced in females in the ovaries and adrenal gland and has effect on ovarian function, bone strength and libido in women. 


Testosterone production is controlled by the signals brain sending a signal to the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland relays signals to the testes to produce testosterone, a feedback loop is established so if levels become raised, the brain sends signals to the pituitary gland to reduce production. 


Levels of testosterone in our blood can vary significantly throughout the day, having too much naturally occurring testosterone is actually very rare. Most knowledge around testosterone comes from athletes who use anabolic steroids, testosterone or other hormones to increase muscle mass and enhance athletic performance. Men who have high testosterone levels may find a number of problems as a result:

·       Low sperm count

·       Damage to heart muscle and increased risk of heart attack

·       Enlarged prostate with urinary problems

·       Liver disease

·       Acne

·       High blood pressure

·       High cholesterol

·       Aggression, mood swings, irritability, euphoria, delusions

·       Insomnia

·       Fluid retention

The most common reason for high testosterone levels in women is polycystic ovaries syndrome. Women with raised testosterone may find:

·       Coarse hair on arms, legs, pubic region, trunk, face

·       Male pattern baldness

·       Thick skin

·       Weight gain

·       Depression and anxiety

·       Irregular periods

·       Reduced fertility

·       Reduction in breast size

·       Deepening of voice

Men may experience a low level of testosterone which can also cause problems:

·       Reduced body and facial hair

·       Loss of muscle mass

·       Low libido, small testes, reduced sperm count, infertility

·       Increased breast size

·       Hot flushes

·       Irritability, poor concentration and depression

·       Brittle bones with increased risk of fracture

Women may also experience low testosterone levels which will be noticeable due to:

·       Low libido

·       Reduced bone strength

·       Poor concentration and depression

·       Loss of muscle mass

If you are struggling with any of the above symptoms and would like to check your testosterone level, click here to book in a blood test, A clinician will come to your house and take your blood, within 48 hours the results will be reviewed by a doctor and emailed directly to you. These are private blood results which do not automatically go to your GP. If the results are abnormal, the reviewing doctor will advise you to show your GP.